

I’m a creative explorer. Science fiction, magic, and all things not of this world... At heart I am a researcher with a passion for investigating multidimensional realms and I capture my findings through meditation, creative writing and photography. By slowing time and bending light with my camera I’m able to triangulate and use my artistry to enhance what I discover.

My curiosity of the mystical stems from the paranormal experiences I’ve had my entire life, which I suspect that most of us have had. Embracing these experiences has accelerated their comings - at times unexpectedly.

I love to capture the unseen.
I love studying energy.
I love exploring meditation.

I feel we are at the tipping point of understanding our own energetic powers and glimpsing into the life matrix; turning magic into science once again.

A few of my favorites -


Sci-fi Authors

  • Brandon Sanderson

  • Neil Gaiman

  • Christopher Moore

Energy Researchers

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • Bill Bengston

My home life is shared with my fantastic hubby and our two wild children.